
"Death means to say goodbye, but never to leave a beloved one behind"

Urns in various shapes and materials

The urn is the vessel for the ashes of your deceased loved one. We therefore offer a wide range of products so that you can ensure that the urn meets both your own and the deceased's requirements. We will be happy to advise you on the selection of the right urn.

Holzurne Baumstamm Birke

Wooden urns tree trunk birch

Bio Naturstoff Urnen

Organic natural material urns


Alabaster urns

Keramik Urnen

Ceramic urns

Kupfer Urnen

Copper urns

Stahl Urnen

Steel urns

See Urne

Sea urns

Kinder Urne

Children's urns

Natur Urnen

Natural urns

Gedenk Urnen

Memorial Urns Light with Candle

Jöri Bestattungen GmbH

Sinserstrasse 12

6330 Cham


24h Telefon: 041 780 20 80

Mail: info@joeriundpartner.ch